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  1. Regarding posts of Registrar, Shri Govind Guru University, Govt. Poliechnic Campus, Gadukpur, Godhra

  2. Regarding various posts in NITI Aayog, New Delhi

  3. Walk-in-Interview for JRF/SRF/RA (19/11/2018)

  4. Walk-in-Interview for project fellow to work on UGC-SAP-DRS-11 project (22/10/2018)

  5. Walk-in-Interview for Resource Person on 11th Oct, 2018, Dept. of English

  6. CORRIGENDUM: Advt.No.PR-70 of 2018


  8. Walk-in Interview on 29th Sep, 2018 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) And Project Assistant in DBT Project titled "Process development for the cost effective production of fungal endoglucanase, lipase and amylase for deinking of newsprints and mixed office waste papers" at Department of Microbiology

  9. Walk in Interview for Project Fellow to work on the UGC- SAP- DRS-II project: 15.09.2018

  10. Walk in interview for JRF/Project fellow on SERB-DST research project: 07-Sept-2018

  11. Corrigendum to PR-58 of 2018

  12. Walk-in-Interview for Resoruce Person (Advt. No. PR-58 of 2018)

  13. Walk-in-Interview for Junior Research Fellow, UIET

  14. Advertisement for the non-teaching posts (PR-53 of 2018)

  15. Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow Under Dr. Babita Khosla, Dept. of Environmental Sc.

  16. Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow Under Dr. Meenakshi Nandal, Dept. of Environmental Sc.

  17. Advertisement for Teaching Posts (PR-43 of 2018)

  18. pdf18/Advt/Junior Store Keeper.pdf

  19. Apllication from the chartered Accountants to Audit Account

  20. Walk-in Interview on 18-05-2018 for JRF in a NRDMS, DST, Govt. of India Sponsored Project

  21. Schedule of Walk in interview for JRF/Project fellow for SERB-DST (Extra Mural Research Funding) Research project [EMR/2016/006135] sanctioned to Dr. Devender Singh: 31.05.2018

  22. New Corrigendum (Advt. No. PR-28 of 2018)

  23. Corrigendum (Advt. No. PR-28 of 2018)

  24. Advertisement for PR-34 of 2018

  25. Advertisement for PR-30 of 2018

  26. Walk in Interview for the post of Project Fellow in Botany Department on April 25, 2018 (Wednesday)

  27. Advertisement for teaching and non-teaching posts (Advt. PR-28 of 2018)

  28. Walk-in-Interview to Engage Purely Temporary Research Study Fieldwork Staff

  29. Re- Schedule of Walk in Interview for the post of Research Assistant

  30. Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant

  31. Corrigendum (Advt. PR-08 of 2018) Dated 28.02.2018

  32. Vacancy Circular

  33. Corrigendum (Advt. PR-08 of 2018)

  34. Notice Regarding Pay Scale (Advt. No. PR-08 of 2018)

  35. Advertisement for various teaching posts (Advt. PR-08 of 2018)

  36. Regarding objection list of IMSAR Advertisement No. PR-70 of 2016

  37. Notification: Re-Securitization of Application received for one budgeted post of Assistant Professor(SC) in Institute of Management Studies and Research Advertisement No. PR-70 of 2016

  38. Notification: Re-Securitization of Application received for Nine posts of Assistant Professor under Self Financing Scheme in Institute of Management Studies and Research (UR-3, SC-2, BC(A)-2,BC(B)-1, ESM-1) Advertisement No. PR-70 of 2016

  39. Walk-in-interview for the post of Work Supervisor on Contractual Basis (Advt. No. PR-40 of 2017)

  40. Advertisement for the post of Peon on Contractual Basis (Advt. No. PR-39 of 2017)

  41. Application Form For Non Teaching Posts

  42. Advertisement for the Contractual post of Clerk-Cum-Junior Data Entry Operator and Steno-Typist

  43. Application Form For The Non-Teaching Posts

  44. Advertisement for the post of Principal and Teachers campus school

  45. Advertisement PR-70 of 2016 (Teaching Posts)

  46. Application Form for All Teaching Posts

  47. ADVT. NO. PR-41 of 2015

  48. Revised Advertisment for Various Teaching Posts (Budgeted & SFS SCHEME) ADVT. NO. 36 of 2015

  49. LLB & LLM Application form

  50. Tenders are reputed Security Agencies only for providing the Security Services.

  51. Advertisement of teaching posts

  52. Advertisement for guest faculty

  53. Walkin Interview for Guest Faculty of Dept. of Zoology

  54. Advertisement for the engagement of guest faculty in Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management -1

  55. Advertisement for the post of SRF in Microbiology

  56. Advt. regarding DBT-Sponsored Short term training course on ‘Plant Transgenic Technologies from Oct. 1 to 16, 2014’

  57. Research Methodology Programme for Students

  58. Corrigendum to Advt no. PR-54 of 2013

  59. Advertisement for the post of Project Fellows in UGC-SAP & UGC-BSR in Department of Genetics, MDU for the session of 2014-15

  60. Non-Teaching Posts Advt. 32 of 2014

  61. Advt of Research Methodology Programme for Students

  62. Corrigendum to Adv No. PR-54 of 2013

  63. Interview for the post of Lab Attendent (budget & SFS) Against advt No. 48/2013

  64. Walk in interview Vacancy for one Junior Research Consultants in CRSI of Social and Economic Change

  65. Advertisement for the Post of Project Fellow In UGC-SAP

  66. Advertisement for Development of Diagnostics of Prophylactics of Malaria

  67. Advt. No. PR-21 of 2014

  68. Walk in lnterview for the post of Project Assistant in DST, Project

  69. Applications for two postdoctoral fellows

  70. Corrigendum to Advt No. PR-54 of 2013

  71. Interview schedule for the Post of Programmer (Advt. No. 48/2013)

  72. Walk in Interview for the posts of JRF dated 16-12-13

  73. Advertisement for the post of JRF in Microbiology

  74. Teaching Vacancy Advt. No. PR54/2013 Last Date 23/12/2013

  75. Apply Online Examination Forms of Different courses upto 25.10.13 without late fees

  76. Auction of Vehicles and other items on 25 oct. 2013 at 11.00 a.m 

  77. CSIR Project Position

  78. JRF position in Department of Biochemistry

  79. Advertisement regarding engagement of guest faculty

  80. Corrigendum to Advt. 3/2012

  81. Advertisement for two postdoctoral fellows

  82. Advertisement for project fellow in Department of Microbiology

  83. Walk-in Interview on 30-07-2013 for the Post of JRF, Microbiology

  84. Call for Paper: Physical Education Department

  85. Adv. for JRF under Dr. Ravi Parkash (Deptt. of genetics)

  86. Corrigendum for B. Tech 8th Sem students


  88. Adv. 1/2013

  89. Corrigendum To Advt. No. 3/2012

  90. Advt. 6/2012

  91. Advt. No. 5/2012

  92. Advt 4/2012 (Director, Ch. Ranbir Singh Institute of Social & Economic Change

  93. Advt. 3/12

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